Новые квесты
1)Freya quest: добавлен один глобальный и 5 связанных квестов для доступа к Ice Queen Freya
2)11 Quest: добавлен одноразовый квест, инициализируемый в 06.30 утра каждый день
3)Escort Quest: Добавлен новый вид квестов в Monastery of Silence, Seed of Annihilation
4)Квестовый предмет: в дроплист мобов Monastery of Silence добавлен предмет, стартующий квест
5)Cписок новых квестов:
[реклама вместо картинки]
Congestion of the machine. 70 уровень. Повторяемый квест. Pavel Ruins Collector Gutenhagen
Delicious ildeungyuk. 82 уровень. Повторяемый квест. Beast Farm Tunatun
Изменения квестовой системы
1)количество одновременно выполняемых квестов увеличено с 25 до 40
2)инвентарь обычных вещей отделен от квестового
3)Отображение квестов в игре изменено с "!" на:
- при каждой стадии квеста меняется иконка
- Одноразовые, эпик и специальные квесты помечаются красным свитком
- повторяемые и остальные квесты - синим свитком
4)Квест на 3 профессию изменене следующим образом:
- в квестовой части на 700 мобов падает по 1-4 итема с моба
- по квесту на альянс варка/кетра снижены требования до 1 уровня
5)Изменен ряд уже существующих квестов
6)Мобы в Plains of Lizardmen по ранее существовавшим квестам перенесены на другое место. Дизайн локации изменен
7)Квесты в Pavel ruins повышены на 70+ уровень
8)квесты Beast Farm повышены до уровня 82+
9)Квест Enhance your weapon изменен следующим образом: кристаллы СА 10+ качаются только на Рейдбоссах.
CA 11 уровень:
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CA 12 уровень:
Duke's Devil, ranku, tolreseu, geuwindoreu last hageoin 누스 yute, hekaton prime, epi DOS, Carnival staccato boss, a giant mareupa nakeu, taking Ross, ahenkinel, halribel, Typhoon, waking up an ancient pasubyeong, awake I'm cutting the ancient, ancient younghonchakchwija waking up, waking up an ancient soul, predator, ancient Mutu is waking up, waking up an ancient executioner, waking up the ancient prophets, to claw ehan Damascus, Damascus your ehan Clamart, Andreas van Holter, siren Gordon, release, ahnakim, hekaton keteuraui hero, the commander keteuraui tayireu, beuraki keteuraui chiefs, fire, mixing eggplant Trondheim, bareuka syadiseu hero, the commander of the bareuka Moss, Chief of bareuka Horus, the water spirits Ashkar, tar, Amber, wooruka, reflex golkonda general, jicheonsa galraksiah, syuriel chastisement of fire, ultimately the hageoin geulraki, Damon of the bag, the patron saint of mineral Hestia, ocean flame ahsyakiel, hwayeomseok giant, Gigantic Golem bayium, kereunon, storm out of the wings, the last heogeoin olkeuseu, a monster of another North Palacio, tekareubiah Empress, Death yiposeu download, downloads Sharks Death, the priest antaraseu Chloe, keurokieon padisya sobekeu , icicle umpalrupa King, Death halrateu downloads, degraded Golem, sesyakeu suryongui priests, chiefs banoreuui kandeura, tanatoseu blade of destruction, eilhaldeo von Hellman, eternal salvation of mareudil, silrenui Cobb lived in Rio, korim , the roar of the Sky Lancer, the Loch Ness papyurionui messenger, Farley Barty Queen Themis, Beast download Behemoth, you know, Kim's daejeokja jyakaron, the spark of brilliance barakiel, Minas ahnoreu, priests rudelto blood, betrayal of andeuraseu wonryeong, ahnakajel, Sgt kelrone loyal to discuss, the devil's agents paelseuteon, Lahaina, Angel of maenghowang, go download one tayipon, wonhanryeong ramdal, hisilrome silrenui priests, the roar of the Lord kaseutol, taminiel Faerie Queen, jaken, ice fairy CYR, underwater gardens Guardian Unit 3, well the ghost of Lydia, a giant protector of personal karum, Ancient Weird Drake, Drake's daegunjang Thailand Arak, Rhode Ishikawa, core, ohreupen
CA 13 уровень:
Duke's Devil, ranku, tolreseu, geuwindoreu last hageoin 누스 yute, hekaton prime, epi DOS, Carnival staccato boss, a giant mareupa nakeu, taking Ross, ahenkinel, halribel, Typhoon, waking up an ancient pasubyeong, awake I'm cutting the ancient, ancient younghonchakchwija waking up, waking up an ancient soul, predator, ancient Mutu is waking up, waking up an ancient executioner, waking up the ancient prophets, to claw ehan Damascus, Damascus your ehan Clamart, Andreas van Holter, siren Gordon, ahnayiseu, release, ahnakim, hekaton keteuraui hero, the commander keteuraui tayireu, beuraki keteuraui chiefs, fire, mixing eggplant Trondheim, bareuka syadiseu hero, the commander of the bareuka Moss, Chief of bareuka Horus, Ashkar water spirits of tar, Amber, wooruka, reflex golkonda general, jicheonsa galraksiah, syuriel chastisement of fire, ultimately the hageoin geulraki, Damon of the bag, the patron saint of mineral Hestia, ocean flame ahsyakiel, hwayeomseok Giant, Gigantic Golem bayium, kereunon, storm out of the wings, the last heogeoin olkeuseu, a monster of another North Palacio, tekareubiah Empress, Death load yiposeu, Death Download Sharks, jaken, core, ohreupen, Vala Kass, antaraseu, Scarlet Van halrisya, Freya, balreo, takeurakan, dopagen, binggunggisa captain, darion, staccato Queen syayideu spikes, water, Chung Lian, ahnayiseu, dareunelseu, kiechi, tierce, Perez, ekimuseu, Ana kajel
CA 14 уровень:
Duke's Devil, ranku, tolreseu, geuwindoreu last hageoin 누스 yute, hekaton prime, epi DOS, Carnival staccato boss, a giant mareupa nakeu, taking Ross, ahenkinel, halribel, Typhoon, waking up an ancient pasubyeong, awake I'm cutting the ancient, ancient younghonchakchwija waking up, waking up an ancient soul, predator, ancient Mutu is waking up, waking up an ancient executioner, waking up the ancient prophets, to claw ehan Damascus, Damascus your ehan Clamart, Andreas van Holter, siren Gordon, ahnayiseu, release, ahnakim, hekaton keteuraui hero, the commander keteuraui tayireu, beuraki keteuraui chiefs, fire, mixing eggplant Trondheim, bareuka syadiseu hero, the commander of the bareuka Moss, Chief of bareuka Horus, Ashkar water spirits of tar, Amber, wooruka, jaken, Vala Kass, antaraseu, Scarlet Van halrisya, Freya, balreo, takeurakan, dopagen, binggunggisa captain, darion, staccato Queen syayideu spikes, water, Chung Lian, ahnayiseu, different Nelson, kiechi, tierce, Perez, ekimuseu, ahnakajel
CA 15 уровень:
Vala Kass, antaraseu, Scarlet Van halrisya, Freya, balreo, takeurakan, dopagen, binggunggisa captain, darion, staccato Queen syayideu spikes, water, Chung Lian, ahenkinel, ahnayiseu, dareunelseu, kiechi, tierce, Perez, jaken, Duke's Devil, ranku, tolreseu, geuwindoreu last hageoin 누스 yute, hekaton Prime, ekimuseu, tiahteu, Effie Dawes, the giant mareupa nakeu, taking in Los
CA 16 уровень:
Valakas, antharas, Scarlet Van halisha, Freya, baylor, takeurakan, dopagen, darion, spikes staccato Queen Shyeed, darnel, kechi, tears, Beleth, Zaken, ekimus, tiat
CA 17 уровень:
Valakas, antharas, Scarlet Van halisha, Freya, Baylor, Beleth, Zaken , ekimusu, tiat
CA 18 уровень:
Valakas, antharas, Freya